47 thoughts on “Psalm 61:2 💚”

    1. Hi Nitin!! Long time!!!☺ I’m okay. Yes, powerful scripture. God’s word is alive and I pray this verse speaks to someone’s heart today as it has mine. How is school?


      1. Oh good!☺ I’m getting better every day!! God is slowly healing me. I know you’re busy so it means so much you stopped by Nitin. 🙂


    1. Hi there! I’m so glad this verse spoke to your heart today! It’s a tremendous comfort for me to ponder the psalms daily……and a huge blessing. Much love. 🤗💕💕🌻


      1. Thank you John. I did. I’ve tried to be strong but today just fell apart..been holding it in for a few days. Talking to u helped. (deleting comments, i try to keep my comments postive)

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  1. Vivian, I love everything about you! 💜 I’m praying 🙏🏼 Thank you for helping me move through rocky water!! Your faith is strong 💪 We can move mountains 💜

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    1. Most precious Emmy! I love you so very much!💜 Thank you for praying!! Awwwww, you’ve helped me along so many times I’ve lost count! Big hugs!💜💕💕🙏🤗🌻


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