He Knows

The Holy Spirit is always so faithful in comforting my soul when I am struggling against unchecked thoughts that rear their ugly heads from time to time. He reminds me to look upward to my heavenly Father and faithfully gives these two words to quiet my mind; “He Knows.”

He knows what it feels like to be alone (Luke 4:2).

He knows what it feels to be unwanted (1 Peter 2:4).

He knows what it feels like to be forsaken (Psalm 22:11) (Mark 14:50).

He knows what it feels like to be rejected and dispised (Isaiah 53:3).

He knows what it feels like to be misunderstood (Luke 2:50).

He knows what it feels like to be tempted (Luke 4:2).

He knows what it feels like to be hungry and thirsty (Matt. 4:2, John 19:28).

He knows what it feels like to be broken (Luke 23:33).

He knows what it feels like to be betrayed (Luke 22:47-48).

He knows what it feels like when people closest to you go away (Mark 14:50).

He knows what it feels like to endure physical pain (Matt. 26-50).

He knows what it’s like to have others try to hurt you (Matt. 12:14).

He knows what it feels like to be poor (Matt. 8:20).

In all my struggles and sorrows my comfort is in knowing Jesus, our sympathizing High Priest, understands and feels for me when I am at my lowest.

He is our only true source of comfort because He is the God of all comfort. (2 Corinthians 1:3).

He sympathizes with us because He endured the same things we endure yet even more fully than we can ever know. He loves us so much he endured coming to earth, suffering and dying for our sins so we could be reconciled to full fellowship with God. To know He would have to face what He endured and then intentionally go through with it out of love for us is mindblowing. He manifested His love by giving us Himself and taking on the full penalty for our sins willingly. The grace He bestowed on us is undeserved yet given out of the deepest, widest, truest love we can’t even begin to wrap our minds around.

Has anyone ever loved you so much that they allowed themself to be killed in your place?

Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort; Who comforter us in our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort then which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewithal ourselves are comforted of God.

2 Corinthians 1:3-4

What Jesus did for you when he lived here on earth and continues to do for you in innumerable ways every day, no one else can ever do for you. He alone understands, cares, loves, feels, and sympathizes with your every woe.

Much love,

Viv 🍁🍂🍄

For prayer requests please visit my page Come Pray With Me. I’d love to pray with you. ❤

Author: Viv

I'm a spoonie Blogger grieving the loss of my husband who went home 2/13/22.

51 thoughts on “He Knows”

  1. I’m so thankful that He knows everything. And on top of knowing everything, He’s concerned and willing to walk alongside me each leg of the journey as I go through the differing seasons. “Lo (sweet friend), He is with us always, even to the end of this age.” You remain faithfully in my prayers 🙏🏽

    Liked by 4 people

  2. I love this!! I was just talking with my daughter the other night about how Jesus walked the Earth and felt all the feelings that we feel. It’s so comforting to know that He knows exactly how I’m feeling because He has been there, too. I’ll have to share these verses with her! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sweet neighbor I’m so glad that you shared your conversation with her with me. I enjoyed finding the verses as God lead me to them and as I did it brought such comfort. Blessings! ❤❤🤗

      Liked by 1 person

  3. So good and so true. Great post! I have had some female issues, pain and UTI’s for years now. I had yet 2 more UTI’s and before I went back to the dr for a second time, I prayed and ask for wisdom or an answer. I’m actually in the process of writing about this. I heard so clearly “Ask the dr if your mesh could be the cause of all this.” I had a bladder sling 10 years ago.

    So I asked and he said “Yes, absolutely!” And then checked me and discovered my mesh wasn’t where it was supposed to be. So he sent me to his partner last Friday and Monday they did ultrasound and cystoscope and he said “It was disastrous and there was nothing good abt this!” Lol I’m like tell me how you really feel. I had surgery this past Tuesday to remove my mesh. So you can’t tell me Holy Spirit doesn’t know. It was alllll God! Had He not spoke to my heart abt my mesh, I would still be suffering. God is so good. Thank you sweet friend for sharing. You always bless and encourage me! Big hugs💗


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