The reality of TBI

“Mom,” my oldest daughter said, “I’ve noticed something. When people who’ve never met you spend time with you they like you, but old friends or family who are aware of your brain injury don’t treat you the same. They look at you differently now.”

This sad reality hit me months ago.

I thought I was being oversensitive or maybe just dreaming it up but then when my rather perceptive 14-year-old noticed, well, it made me realize I wasn’t and in fact it’s the reality and sad truth of TBI.

People with brain injuries experience a wide range of emotional distresses (mental health) along with physical limitations. Depression, anxiety, apathy, aggression, PTSD and others. These issues can be extremely difficult to understand by even our closest friends or family and easily judged as weakness and they can be hard for us to understand as well. Instead of being judged we want to be loved on and looked at as miracles from tragedies. It may take someone’s time and effort to engage in conversation, listen and to see past the label “brain injured” to the true person sitting right there desperately needing, love, support and a friend. It will take a special person. Our fast paced society doesn’t leave much left over in the realm of perceived importance to the broken, busted, or bruised.

I know I’m different now. I’m not nearly as talkative (some may call that an improvement ๐Ÿ˜‰) and I rarely leave the house. Maybe I did fall into the crazy cat lady persona but I actually think that’s a compliment. I avoid loud noises and struggle with social anxiety. My old peppy self is in there somewhere but she’s too fatigued to show up most days.

I’ve struggled to work through this; The jibes, the looks, the cold shoulders, the indifference, the lack of compassion and the overwhelming LACK of support from people who I trusted for years.


God revealed something to me in His word. Up until this point though, I admit I was a broken mess and shattered inside. He showed me from Isaiah 53: 3-4

Isaiah 53:3-4 (KJV)

3 He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.

4 Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.

Our Jesus felt the sting of the rejection of man long before I ever did. He was rejected!! Rejected of men yet what did Jesus do?

He gave His life for them. Loved them so deeply that He cared more for their souls and died for them.

He responded in a godly manner as God and man.

That has become my answer. It was God revealing to me through that scripture saying, in order to heal these emotional wounds, you must pray for them and pray for help to let go and forgive. I can pray for God to wrap His loving arms around me and heal my wounded places. The bible says to pray for those who persecute you or treat you poorly. (Matt. 5:44) It’s hard to be angry at someone after committing to pray for them. The emotions melt away and instead are replaced by hope and peace. (Philippians 4: 6-7)

Here’s the deal. I can choose to be bitter or I can choose to pray, love and forgive others with the help of God.

The idea that I must respond by trying to make people understand through persisting to explain is wearing me out and wasting energy. I can just let go.

Bitterness is a road I don’t want to travel.

Here’s the truth about bitterness;

Bitterness is like a poison eating away at our souls until we are consumed by grips of anger that have fermented until pungent.

(I wrote the above quote on bitterness months ago while feeling rather…..well, bitter. The article I wrote on this subject I never published because my daughter and I agreed it was too depressing.)

Jesus suffered first, in every way we do but he responded in goodness, holiness, and godliness. To share in the sufferings of Jesus is the reality of this Christian life. We will face grave trials but our comfort is knowing Jesus suffered first and will walk with us through our sufferings. He never said being a Christian would mean a life of ease and escape from trials. He actually says the opposite.

Although we can not choose some of the circumstances we are faced with, we can choose our responses to those circumstances.

We can choose to be bitter OR we can choose to be a blessing.

I thank you dear Jesus for giving me your truth through your word and helping me by Your grace, work through this sad reality of TBI. Your faithfulness in rescuing my heart from a seriously shattered place is proof of your unending LOVE.


Much love,

Viv ๐Ÿค—

Author: Viv

I'm a spoonie Blogger grieving the loss of my husband who went home 2/13/22.

114 thoughts on “The reality of TBI”

  1. Know that there are others out here who can really relate to what you are going through. My brain has not been injured in an accident, but it is slowly being injured through exposures that are toxic to my body. It is hard to know the level of function that used to be possible and compare it with current status. It is lonely at times…and hurtful. I do have some good supporters, but also have relationships that have become more difficult because of this. I have to focus on the blessings more than the detractors and know that God knows what my heart truly is.

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    1. Kim! I have been thinking of you and praying. How are things recently? Thank you for this comment! I do know tons of others can relate with chronic or “invisible” illness. It sounds like you are challenged with an ABI? My heart goes out to you Kim. There are toxins everywhere…..the air we breathe….food. Ugh, I really feel for you. I know a lady from my old church who had to move to Colorado to get away from toxic mold. They had to rid their belongings and pack a jeep and go. Mold was killing her! I’m so glad you have a few good supporters. I have found a few through my brain injury group, and of course my parents support me. Yes, it’s a huge comfort knowing that God knows our hearts and sees all of this. Such a blessing to have Him!๐Ÿ˜„

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      1. Regarding โ€œthings recently,โ€ I have not posted because I am really sick at this time. My sleep deteriorated to 1 hour per night for awhile, and my body isnโ€™t recovering well. Iโ€™m glad God holds onto us, because I have no strength left to hold on myself. I am making baby steps of improvement, but sometimes question if it will be enough. It is a really tough time, but thoughts of God and heaven are stronger because of it. Like Paul, I struggle with desire to go on to be with Jesus, but also know that I have work here to do.

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      2. I was afraid of that as I noticed your last post was weeks ago. ๐Ÿ˜ฃ I know how dreadful no sleep can be. During my months of being bedridden, I could not sleep because my adrenal glands had gone into failure due to crazy changes in my body. I tried everything. Eventually, we found a doctor locally who knew what to do for me and then I could sleep but I still struggle from time to time. I’m thankful you are making “baby steps of improvement” in recovery. I hear ya there too. Once I was so discouraged (as I was so weak I could hardly hold my head up) my mentor said, “slow progress is still progress”. Wow, that uplifted my heart just then and gave me hope. I pray it can help uplift you too. I’m praying so much for you Kim.๐Ÿ™โค

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  2. Vivian, I am ever the optimist so I have to look at people’s actions toward the new me as not malicious but a product of good intentions mixed with misunderstanding. They don’t realize they can’t understand how we feel and what we deal with daily. As far as how we survivors handle these situations, you have chosen the high road and I am very glad you have. My counselor at Shepherd Center gave me a line that helps me when things get tough, simply “Let go and let God”

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you Rodney! I love that. “Let go and let God!” Exactly! I have told my mama I was ready to forgive and move forward, and get out of this pit of rejection. This blog post is a bit of closure for me, I suppose. You are every right about ‘good intentions mixed with misunderstanding.’ Yes, I choose to think that too. You’re optimism is contagious! Thank you so much.๐Ÿ™‚

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  3. It is hard to walk in someone elses shoes. They just don’t always fit sinse they have conformed to another shape. All that really matters is that you know god is in control ,of you and others too. Hang in there….We were never promised a rose garden but we can plant on ourselves.

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    1. Thank you for this encouragement! I am praying for you. He is in control. Amen! He knows the idols in my heart of putting people before Him….and I’m glad to go to Him for comfort instead of people. So actually I can be I’m thankful for this lonely earthly road because it’s made my communion with Him more sweet. ๐Ÿ˜š

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  4. Truly, those who choose to “move on” are missing out……….it is not the other way around. It hurts to be passed over from those before……..but moving on is the best thing you can do for yourself…….it puts you in control, not them. YOU are wonderful my dear………..

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you Wendi! Yes, it does hurt but I hope will lessen with time. Awww, how sweet and kind! You truly are a blessing dear Wendi. I know you too are speaking from experience. The support I receive here on WordPress is a treasured gift from God! ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ’“

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  5. I’m so sorry you’ve gone through this with friends. Relationships due change over time in a natural way but I think trauma affects us on so many deeper levels. Sometimes we don’t even realize it.
    That’s where my wife and I try to communicate with each other. She’s had cancer twice now and we’ve both had other tragedies before and since then. Horrible things happening do not always make us stronger. At least it does not for me.
    So when I read your post it actually becomes important for me hear the encouragement in the words. Thank you so much for sharing this today.

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    1. Thank you for your compassion! That’s very true how relationships change over time and trauma does effect us deeply. I have had two close friends walk through cancer and I can not even imagine the struggle. It’s not until one experiences it can one really understand but I can relate to brokenness in suffering. I agree there too……horrible things happening may not always make us stronger. Yet, I’m reminded how Christ’s strength is evident especially in our weakness.

      2 Corinthians 12:9ย King James Version (KJV)

      9ย And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

      I watched my husband go through job loss and trying again and again for interviews only to be rejected…’s only then Christ holds onto us. I’m so thankful God is stronger than all my deepest trials. He is bigger than everything! I’m keeping you and your wife in my thoughts and prayers.๐Ÿ™

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      1. Thank you for your strengthening words. I’m humbled by your kindness. I haven’t thought about that Scripture in a long, long time. So the timing couldn’t be better. Thank you for your prayers, we are very grateful.

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      2. You’re very welcome! I’m thankful I can lift you up in prayer. It’s a blessing to have others to talk to when we especially need encouragement. Many blessings!๐Ÿ˜Š

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  6. It’s so nice that you are talking about it Vivian ….. Anyone who doesn’t support you and looses you in turn …does not deserve you …there loss my friend. Stay happy always

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    1. Yes, haha! Like I tell my kids, there’s more room out than in. Better to just get it out. I’ve learned a lot about them too…..But, if any were to return I would welcome them back with opened arms because that’s how I would hope they would treat me if the tables were turned. Much love Sakshi!๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ’•


  7. Dearest Vivian, your words of truth are moving and filled my heart with love for you. Indeed, we learn through our suffering as did Jesus. And you walk amongst the blessed that our Lord holds you in is heart and gives you strength to see and be compassionate for those who walk blindly.
    He was able to do so because he knew that our Father is love. He knew that he must be the light and the way for those who cannot see. Your strength is a testament of your faith and generous heart.
    Blessed be.

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    1. Oh goodness I’m so glad I decided to write haikus because doing that led me to your poetry and blog!! You are such a blessing in how you encourage through your words. Yes, I can also be compassionate and pray that the Lord will open blind eyes to see truth. Excellent point. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ Thank you for taking the time to learn about this and for such loving support to my heart. I’m so blessed! You have a beautiful heart and soul Jordan. May God richly bless you and lots of love dear one!๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ’“


  8. I can see exactly how those songs spoke to you today!!! โค I'm so glad He understands us to the core. Even when we cannot understand ourselves. He gets us, and I'm thankful for that. May God continue to guide your steps, and your beautiful heart! I'm going to have this in the community spotlight for October on Inside Cup ๐Ÿ™‚

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    1. Yes, it was amazing TR!! Only God can do that. I’m so thankful. My heart is rejoicing! I just listened to a very gentle sermon on psalm 13 and Christian suffering by Don Green. Very helpful! I have not been able to listen to many sermons because of the sound effects but he has more of a gentler voice and doesn’t scream like some do.

      Oh, that sounds great! I really appreciate what you do on the community spotlight for new bloggers and I’ve been blessed by finding so many other great blogs! Yay!๐Ÿค—โค Thank you dearest TR!!

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      1. So glad you were able to listen to it!!! โค Praise God for the blessing!

        ๐Ÿ™‚ you are so welcome, Vivian!!! I just like sharing the community both bloggers I've shared before and new bloggers.

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  9. Sister, I want to say thank you for sharing this with me this evening. I personally needed this because I can relate to when one is not whom we use to be before our illness hit us, that we have none control over. What we can do is do our best in Jesus Christ Name. Yes, our attitude is that we are to forgive and let go of bitterness. And continue moving forward. We aren’t perfect and He knows this. But if we stay stuck on how people treat us, are what they think about us. Yes, it will make us sicker, and drain where we would not be together for Him to use us for His purpose. Praying for them, and for ourselves. Asking Our Heavenly Father to help us through each day. He has patience with us, and that to me is a blessing. You are a blessing to me, and I meant that. I really needed this today. God Bless you. You are beautiful inside and out. ((Hugs)) ๐Ÿ™‚ Thank You Again!!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Praise God sister Betty! My heart is so happy to know these words blessed you. โค It’s Jesus who really understands when we feel so alone in our sufferings. He has shown that to me. I hurt knowing others have treated you the same after your diagnosis too. True, we can’t control the way they respond, or treat us but just how we respond. Praise God He has healed my bruised heart and I can let go of the hurt knowing that I have done nothing wrong. It’s not our fault Betty, our illness/injury is part of living in a fallen world. That’s right! Continue moving forward! Amen! These are just stumbling blocks that do make us feel worse but I pray God continues to help me forgive and let go. You are a blessing to me Betty and I love you!!! Big hugs! ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ˜š

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  10. Hi Viv, yes I can sense the change. After TBI you have become more attractive. Although you may have been neglected by the near ones but you are being loved and appreciated by far friends. Jesus is always near you and within you. He never runs away even in the worst health related issues. God bless you. You are a true blessing.

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    1. This is so dear!! Thank you for seeing me through eyes of kindness and Christian love! I have found you and many other wonderful genuine godly souls here and I am so utterly grateful. You are a big hearted person Nitin. God bless you! ๐Ÿ™


      1. Aww. I have always said this to you. You deserve all love and kindness. The greatest reason is that you are the daughter of heavenly Father. Believe me you are the princess ๐Ÿ‘ธ you are the daughter of King of kings. So your highness, by being kind, indirectly I am serving God. I believe that serving one another is serving Christ. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™‡๐Ÿ‘ธ

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      2. One thing Nitin, I will share with you, is that my church has turned it’s back…….they don’t even pray for me! Never reach out. That has been the hardest of all. I can expect it from others…but the church? That is what has profoundly shaken me to the core. ๐Ÿ˜ข So this post is about me forgiving them too and by God’s grace I am able. His grace alone. ๐Ÿ™‚

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      3. Oh dear. This is painful. I know how it feels when the church hurts. I tell you that it is nothing new. The love of many is going to grow cold. The church is not immune to loosing it’s love and concern for its flock. The modern shepherd do not go after the lost and wounded sheep but are busy looking after the healthy ones. May Lord Jesus forgive them as they do not understand what they are doing. I am glad to know that you have forgiven them. Once you forgive, the healing process has begun. Praise God. Hallelujah.โœ‹โœ‹โœ‹

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      4. Amen. I pray the Lord will open the eyes of the blind but in the meantime, pray for my own eyes to see the needs of others. I don’t want to be all self-centered in this which suffering tends to breed but instead reach out to other hurting people. My body has it’s limits though, and that is hard for me because I want to be there for others yet I just can’t do much, other than the basics but I pray this blog helps. Thank you Nitin. ๐Ÿ™‚God be with you friend.


      5. Thanks Viv. I admire the desires of your heart. God will definitely visit you and restore what is lacking. Your physical limitations can’t limit what God can achieve through you. Your blog is already hit. God bless you and your family and friends. God use your blog to inspire and motivate and encourage many people. ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™‡

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      6. Hi Viv, I can’t believe that I could encourage you so much. In fact I feel inspired by reading your awesome posts. Please pray for me as I am doing a full time online program. It is quite challenging program. Please pray for God’s grace, wisdom to complete it with higher grades. Thanks Viv for your valuable prayers. I am praying for you as well. ๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ™

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      7. I’m so thankful we can pray for one another. Yes, I’m delighted to pray for you as you complete this challenging program. I have no doubt that you will do amazing and receive top grades as well. Thank you Nitin for cherished prayers and I will definitely add your request to my prayer journal. Blessings on you today and always. ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ™


      8. You’re so welcome Nitin! Please keep me updated on how your program is going and for any exams or tests that you face. I’m honored to be able to pray for you too. ๐Ÿ˜Šโ˜บ๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ™


      9. I had trouble with the program but now by the grace of God I am little comfortable with it. I am exposed to new learning methods. Initially I had difficulty in adjusting. I had a second thought of quitting but the Lord was gracious. My lead instructor intervened and that gave me reassurance that Lord is in control. Now I am doing fine. Thanks for your concern. God bless you. I must admit that you are my blessing and an angel of the Lord. ๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ™

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      10. I’m glad you didn’t give up and that you’re somewhat more comfortable with it. You’re instructor is right, God is in control. You are doing great Nitin! I understand how new things can be so nerve wracking but I have every confidence God is with you each step of the way! Lol, how kind of you to say that! That made my day and I haven’t even got up yet!๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜‡


  11. Oh, Vivi, your posts are so insightful and God honoring! Thank you for sharing. I love you and hope to call soon!

    On Mon, Oct 8, 2018, 8:57 AM God’s Whispers of Truth wrote:

    > Vivian posted: “”Mom,” my oldest daughter said, “I’ve noticed something. > When people who’ve never met you spend time with you they like you, but old > friends or family who are aware of your brain injury don’t treat you the > same. They look at you differently now.” This sa” >

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I love you more than words. Thank you for being the one true friend who has loved, supported and stayed by my side. You are a beautiful flower in my friendship garden and an honor to call my best friend! ๐Ÿ˜š๐Ÿค—โคโค


  12. God bless you Vivian! You are stronger than many people I know! You run that marathon here on your blog by helping others see a way that they too can forgive. If you can forgive others for holding things that you cannot control against you, then we all can do the same. Being the way you are, praying for those who have hurt you, is the way God has intended for us to live. You will continue to be blessed. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿค—

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    1. God bless you too dearest Christy! Thank you for encouraging me in that–I’m so humbled by your words because I feel so weak. I prayed before posting that it would be a blessing to others and give all glory to God for what He has worked in me. Without Him I would be a bigger wreck than I already am. I praise Him for being my strength and for teaching me from His word. Much love dear one!๐Ÿค—โค

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    1. Awww, I love you too dearest! I’m so glad this has encouraged you my friend. Invisible sufferings can be so HARD to bear without support from those we hoped would care. I’m thankful that God sees and knows. Big hugs!๐Ÿค—โค๐Ÿ™

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      1. a pleasure and way safer doing this in bed and staying there! Even the string of nurses visiting me every 2 days go away smiling and laughing (and shocked) especially when I tell them I burnt the dressings and had to call the fire service Perhaps they’ll send 1000 more angels to do domestic chores for me. Or perhaps they’ll just admit me to the mental ward … permanently!

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      2. Lol!! You just hang onto that great sense of humor Craig! I’m sure I’m more clumsy now than ever too. My kids are always laughing at me for dropping eggs when I try to get them out the refrigerator. My hands just don’t grip right anymore. It’s okay, Craig! It’s just the TBI talking. ๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ‘Œ

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  13. thanks for the like on my living with head injury blog, Vivienne. Latest news: A lot has happened to me and my leg. Good news and bad. The other day I was doing my short walk and a nice dog came up to me wagging its tail. “Nice doggie”, I said and carried on walking. Next minute a feel a slight bite on my injured leg. Had to phone the hospital and doctor, but OK. Turns out dof from a “druggie” house near the “the nurses” one. Thought I was healing and doing well, but apparently the graft has not taken at all (due to the prior infection before dog bite no 2 (confusing even telling the story) , so going to take months and months now (will miss beach and swimming dreadfully), The good news is the infection has nearly gone with antibiotics. Could anyone believe what happens to me in a few days
    Blessings and enjoy the weekend

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    1. Oh no!!! What kind of dog bit you? Oh ouch! I’m so sorry. Do you carry a big stick when walking? I’m sorry you have had this happen and to your bad leg too.๐Ÿ˜ฃ I’m glad the antibiotics helped the infection though.

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      1. Thanks, Viv . It was a big old black dog (apparently from “druggie” house in good neighbourhood. No , don’t carry sticks (but “the nurse” does, as I live in faith
        “ever the optomist” (that’s yet another story (or stories) of adventures in my little yacht – say no more, say no more)

        I won’t mention dog bite no 3 about a year ago when I landed up in hospital after taking the “nurses” most loved and precious dog, Chloe for a walk and had to dive on her to protect her. No wonder the local ED staff know me well!

        Enjoy the weekend
        “the reluctant hero with a dog complex” still in his safest place -bed)

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      2. Lol, well you may need to carry one and optimistically hope you never need it again. ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜‰ Chloe is blessed you saved her from the mean dog but I really think you either need a big stick, or your own big mean dog to protect you and yours. I will continue to pray God’s protection on you. I don’t like biting dogs….I love dogs just scared of the mean ones. ๐Ÿ˜ฃ

        Have a good weekend Craig. Be careful!๐Ÿ˜‡


  14. corrected typo version if you want to edit/replace/and/or delete the comment above – take more care now, c
    thanks for the like on my living with head injury blog, Vivienne. Latest news: A lot has happened to me and my leg. Good news and bad. The other day I was doing my short walk and a nice dog came up to me wagging its tail. “Nice doggie”, I said and carried on walking. Next minute I feel a slight bite on my injured leg. Had to phone the hospital and doctors surgery, but OK. Turns out the dog was from a “druggie” house near “the nurses” one. Thought I was healing and doing well, but apparently the graft has not taken at all (due to the prior infection before dog bite no 2 (confusing even telling the story) , so going to take months and months now (will miss beach and swimming dreadfully), The good news is the infection has nearly gone with antibiotics. Could anyone believe what happens to me in a few days
    I should sell the film rights!
    Blessings and enjoy the weekend
    ”sliding down the razor-blade of life”* me
    * that’s a metaphor, by the way!

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  15. Love the Isaiah verse for dealing with rejection. Iโ€™m recovering from postpartum depression, and itโ€™s so tough when you feel like no one understands. Great reminder to avoid bitterness!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello there. I’m glad to know that the verse from Isaiah has been a comfort to you too. I know any kind of depression is a very lonely road, but you are never ever alone. Much love. ๐Ÿค—

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  16. Thank you so much for being โ€˜realโ€™! This really touched me and letโ€™s me know that God really hears and sees us for โ€œthe real us.โ€ We donโ€™t have to hide anything we are feeling or who we really are with Him, because He is our ultimate โ€˜Best Friend and He understands what we are going through!โ€™ And because of that, He puts people in our paths to speak a word of encouragement, (and that is what your post did for me today!) those who are going through the same thing we are going throughโ€”but maybe in a slightly different way. I have been given that cold shoulder before, especially in times I am frequently sick. Some simply donโ€™t understand why a person with a super-sensitive body system canโ€™t recover as quickly as they (a person with normal body function) and therefore, they have the mindset, that they must be faking or wanting attention. Itโ€™s a sad reality, that feeling of rejection stings. God has also shown me those two scriptures, to pray for them. For those who donโ€™t suffer from chronic sinus and allergy, (TBI or anything that affects brain function) may not know or care how debilitating it is to even be able to think or function on a daily. Speech is slow, words forgotten or turned around, forgetting things, late getting to places because of pain or โ€˜foggy brainโ€™. People who love others like Christ loves us, simply do not treat people harshly who are different than they, label or judge, but show compassion. A true friend โ€˜loves at ALL times.โ€™ I want others to see that true friend in me! I see you, Vivian, the real you, and I feel you! Keep being the fabulous person you are, keep writing! Thank you for being YOU!

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    1. Renee, thank you for taking the time to read this! I had to read it again just to remember what I said!! Lol! I’m thankful He is our ultimate best friend as well, who never leaves or forsakes us. I’m thankful my post encouraged you, it actually encouraged me too. I forget the lessons I have learned, so going back and rereading old posts is helpful. Oh, I get it, yes, I’m getting you too have dealt with the insensitivity others respond to our sufferings, especially of the body. I have sadly learned who my true friends are which is not as many as I thought. Because I am changed now in so many ways, they want the old me back but she is gone and they don’t like or understand the new me, so it’s tough. Renee, thank you for showing the love of Jesus to me and others. It’s a testimony to me that there are a few caring hearts still left out there! Love, compassion, and understanding is obviously something you know a lot about!!๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–

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      1. You have blessed me once again! Thank you so much! My heart is full! I have realized that we should not fear when God is moving us into another direction, sometimes without those friends we didnโ€™t think we could live without. It may hurt for a while, but God adds new friends for a new journey! It gives new meaning to walking by faith, not by sight! Love and prayers!

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      2. Praise God this blessed your heart Renee!! ๐Ÿ’– I have recently had several, not all, but several close friends move on which was painful. But God, in His faithfulness has brought a few new ones. Yes, walking by faith and trusting He is in control and by His providence allows doors to open and shut. ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ’–

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      3. I am facing this myself, sad to say. We canโ€™t make people stay that donโ€™t want to stay… But God in His sweet grace and love has already sent a few new friends my way and has rekindled a few old friendships, as well. I also have an angel friend who has stuck by me through thick and thin, even though she lives in another state. She is the one who encouraged me to start blogging. You may know her as beetreegathering. She has been a true friend and God-sent! Just know that even though you donโ€™t know me that well, you have a friend in me! I pray God gives you beauty for ashes, strength for fear, gladness for mourning and peace for despair! ๐Ÿค—โค๏ธ


      4. Praise God for your Angel friend! Yes! I do know her! So wonderful that you started blogging because of her support!!๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ’– I also have a true friend who has stuck with me after 30 years!! From braids and roller skates to weddings and babies!! She is such a gift to me! I was just thinking yesterday, I believe I have met a new friend in you dear Renee!! We are thinking along the same lines here!!๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ˜„

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      5. Yes, she is wonderful! And Iโ€™m glad you have a faithful friend and true friend that has loved at ALL times! They are rare jewels! And thank you! I consider you one of my new God-sent friends! Kindred spirits! ๐Ÿค—โค๏ธ

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