The Lord Provides 😃

I’m so excited and humbled at the provision of our mighty God in every detail of life. Yesterday, as my newly employed husband (just hired on at the company he’s been a temp at…..Yes!!!) was setting down a pile of old blankets at our local donation spot at our community dump, something shiny caught his eye. He had actually debated just throwing the blankets away but thought twice and walked over to the small shack to find a spot to set them down. And there it was, sent directly to us from GOD…..

A smart gently used medline excell 2000 wheelchair. Just what I have been praying about, for months! I had looked online, asked family, asked friends but we could not secure anything and I was losing heart. So this morning when my husband brought it to my attention that he found a nice one for free…..I was overwhelmed by God’s faithfulness, goodness, and LOVE. Isn’t that just like our heavenly Father? Tears flowed down as I thanked Him over and over again for providing a way to go out and about. Not being able to walk much has limited my being able to be in the community. Walking is freedom. Having a wheelchair is freedom too!! I can be out again and no longer wonder if my legs will hold or if there is a wheelchair cart or place to sit down. I know most people wouldn’t want a wheelchair but that’s always been a part of my life having a mom with CP. It never phased me pushing her around places and I loved the times we shared. I’m so thankful to be able to spend more time with my husband and kids (with my mask on of course 😲) rather than sit at home while they go out. I’m still hopeful my legs will continue to heal but in the interim I am thankful for the chance to be mobile again. God is holding us all, friends and every detail is under His watchful, tender care.

Psalm 30:5b “weeping may endure for a night but joy cometh in the morning.”

Much love,

Viv ❤

Thank you God for these gifts! They came directly from you Jesus and I praise you. My heart is overwhelmed with a sense of your love. You provided work for my husband after being a low-paid temp for so long. I am overwhelmed at the love you are showering down upon my family. Forgive me when I doubt your provision Lord. I know this job and wheelchair are from you as a direct token from your hands.

In Jesus name,


My baby girl ❤

Author: Viv

I'm a spoonie Blogger grieving the loss of my husband who went home 2/13/22.

54 thoughts on “The Lord Provides 😃”

  1. Just reading this brought tears to my eyes! I am thrilled you were provided what you needed in the wheelchair AND your beloved being hired!!! woohoo, miracles happen every, single, day. I am sending up prayers for your legs to heal completely, amen!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Dearest Wendi, what a support you have been through this! I can never thank you enough for the love, cards, and prayers on our behalf. It helped ease the uncertainty and fear that comes with job loss and disability. And, yesterday my mama called me after months of not being able to due to her stroke!! Yes, miracles happen every day! ❤❤😃

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    1. You’re very welcome dear Kathy. 🤗It’s fun to share happy things with all the unhappy things in our world right now. I’m glad you liked the pictures. They’re all growing up too fast. ❤❤❤

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    1. Oh dear Linda, this is so kind. I find it easy to lose hope at times and I know it can be hard on others too but we keep clinging to His word and promises, and we keep lifting each other up to God in Jesus name. Thank you kind one and many hugs and love unto you. ❤🤗

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  2. Oh my goodness, Viv!!! God answered your prayers! He’s listening! Sometimes our prayers feel so weak, we don’t think they even reached the ceiling, but then God shows up and shows out! And He certainly did just that for you! He answered the desires of your heart! Praying for continual healing, rejoicing with you for your hubby’s steady job!
    Thank you for sharing those precious pics of you and your children! You are blessed beyond measure, my friend! 💜

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Awww Renee, I couldn’t of made it without your love and support. I am so thankful for you and your HUGE HEART of love you give to us. It underscores how much we need each other, for good times and not so good times. You are a gift and I am beyond words as to how blessed I feel right now. Dear Heart, be always blessed!!❤❤❤

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Same here girl! You have been an inspiration to me! The Lord is giving you the desires of your heart!

        Oh my goodness, yessss!!! We so need one another in our good times and also during our trials! You have been such a sweet friend, always humble and kind. You have a beautiful heart! I thank my God always for you! Thank you for your sweet words! It blessed my heart! 💜💕🤗

        Liked by 2 people

    1. It’s such a relief with COVID and going into the winter months to have work again and benefits. You are such a blessing to my life Cindy. Love you too and thank you for praying!!😚🌷😚🌷

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    1. Awwww how wonderful is your compassion! It makes my heart so happy to know my WP family is here for me! Brother Stu, it’s a blessing I can’t even begin to wrap my mind around. Thank you for the prayers and tears, wow!😄😢

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