A Time To Heal

About one year ago, I went to an eye specialist because of the extreme light sensitivity and pressure in my eyes. After examining my eyes and conducting numerous tests he concluded they were healthy but I was in need of special lenses for the glare and light sensitivities. He also told me from his experience with brain injury that it would take a “long time” for my brain to heal. He said this with big eyes to add emphasis to his words.

I could only think at that moment, “I hope he’s wrong!” I didn’t get it. I didn’t want to get it.

Who has time to heal nowadays? I certainly don’t. There’s too much to do with four kids, a home to run, and every day life with all it’s constant demands. Having an impatient nature and a type A personality wasn’t helping matters either. Yet….

The brain heals slowly.

I’ve dedicated hours of researching and reading information about brain injury and the time required for it to heal. Most doctors say 12-24 months but did my brain get that memo? Some may take years upon years to heal like Jennifer Barrick who is still healing 10 years after her horrible car wreck. She has made huge progress but still requires lots of TLC and therapy for her injury. Also, Michelle Munt from the UK who is still healing three years after her accident that required airlifting to the Royal London Hospital in England, with a serious injury most people don’t recover from. She still suffers from many symptoms daily.

No two brain injuries are like. Because of the complexity of the human brain and the fine tuning required for the neurons to heal, some will heal faster than others.

It’s seems to me in our fast paced society that we AREN’T accustomed to allowing our bodies time to heal. We want bandaids and quick shots of this or that.

The beauty of God’s word says there is a season and a TIME for every purpose under the sun….later it says A Time To Heal. God wants us to know that He has created us fearfully and wonderfully in His own image. We are His works of art, and His masterpiece. Our bodies are beautifully designed to heal. Healing is a gift to us. God says in His word, there IS a time to heal. Sadly, we don’t want to take the time to heal because we don’t want healing to take time.

Some brain inuries may take decades to heal or even a lifetime. Some may only heal to a point.

I struggle with thoughts like, “Am I going to heal? Will I be back to my old self again? I will never be the same.”

I have to give it over to God constantly. It’s too hard to try to glimpse into my perceived scenarios of the future. I must take one day at a time. When I give my worries over to the Lord, it gives me a sense of peace. I can envision a cardboard sign with each and every fear I feel written on it, sitting at the foot of the cross where Jesus calls me to cast my burdens.

Trusting in God’s perfect timing is my hope.

Psalm 31:15 says; My times are in thy hand..

That verse is so freeing to me because my healing and the time my body needs to heal aren’t up to me, but to God. There are plenty of things I can do to enhance my healing but really, it’s in His hands. He wants me to work at eating right, rest, get loads of sunshine, take my supplements, keep my appointments, etc. But actually, He is the one blessing those means which my body is using to recover. He wants me to trust Him and rest in His perfect timing for my brain to heal.

Will my family and friends be around after I’m healed? Some will. Some have already drifted away. Yet Jesus will be here because He will stay by my side during the process and be faithful to complete in me the good work He’s already begun. I’m trusting as far as timing goes that my times and healing are all in His magnificent and wonderful hands.

Author: Viv

I'm a spoonie Blogger grieving the loss of my husband who went home 2/13/22.

13 thoughts on “A Time To Heal”

    1. Marci, I remember this song now after listening. Oh, what a precious gift this is today. He will still be there! His love will never fail us no matter what happens….it’s our Hope. Thank you dearest friend.๐Ÿ’š


  1. Your blog is so REAL and I appreciate that. One of my favorite songs, all time, is Times by Tenth Avenue North, before I read the post I immediately thought of that. When you talked about the cardboard I thought of the song, Remind me who I am by Jason Gray.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, I love both artists!! Thank you. I try to be as transparent as possible for others who suffer, so they can relate and hopefully gain encouragement knowing others who feel the same. I’m glad you mentioned the cardboard! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Yes, dear sister, you shall be healed! You need to carry this word of faith in you, like a pregnancy! God listens to the prayer of His children. Jesus never prayed in vain. We too, in His name, will never pray in vain. God does not tempt us with false hopes. What do you lose if you believe? I join my faith with yours and together we shall believe that God will heal you completely! For His glory! Amen!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Amen. He has healed me in so many ways. By faith I do believe He will continue to heal me in His perfect timing and I’m praying for the patience to bear my infirmities with grace until that day. May God be with you. Hugs! Xoxo๐Ÿค—


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