Some Blogging Insights

Start a blog, they said. It will be fun, they said.

Although my experience as a blogger has been mostly positive, I do want to share two hidden discouragements I believe we bloggers are apt to stumble across from time to time. Quite possibly they may bruise us, and leave us feeling unsettled, and can make us question our approach to the whole blogosphere.

1) Judging our writing based on other’s interactions, responses, or likes.

Okay, this one is hard because we feel the need for postive feedback and comments yet that doesn’t mean we are good bloggers because our blog looks like it’s smoking hot after every post with loads of interactions. It may be your likes and followers are high momentarily, but that is a very subjective and can change in a gradual incline or decline. There are excellent blogs out there with tons of great information and writing styles which appear to be more dormant but looks can be deceiving. One of my favorite blogs,, looks very quiet from a blogger’s viewpoint but she has risen to one of the top 30 blogs in the world with thousands of email subscribers. If people sign up for your blog through email because of finding you through internet social media, that is a very good indication your blog offers something they are looking for. Don’t be discouraged if sometimes your posts go mainly unnoticed. There are more highly trafficked days and times for blogging and sometimes just strategic timing can bring the most traffic to your blog. Write from your heart and be you. Keep those posts from going on too long. Sometimes great writers can write lengthy posts and most people just don’t have that kind of time. Put your blinders on, and remember to dig in and stay focused on your true purpose as a blogger. If you wrote your heart out and didn’t receive much feedback, remember, lots of people may read and enjoy your blog but never leave a comment. A lot of us are introverts and like to read and ingest what we read quietly.

2) Being yourself may lead to negative feedback.

Yes, we want feedback, as I mentioned above, but it’s tough when it’s not always postive. As a Christian blogger who bears her heart openly on WordPress, I’ve learned to realize that if I’m transparent, I need to willingly take the heat from others. I am more of a sensitive soul, so I can get a bit worked up when others find fault in me through my writing. Now, I can be safe and write from a strictly objective viewpoint but I believe my subjective, honest writings are more helpful to other people who are hurting and therefore I continue to write being fully aware that my openness may lead to open criticism. Do I need to have thicker skin? Absolutely! I have had to remind myself that although it hurts to receive negative feedback, I truly did bring it upon myself through my openness, so I have chosen to open the door to receiving criticism. It’s my choice to say what I say, so I must choose to live with the consequences too. I can play it safe and close myself off with mainly impersonal writings, but my personal mission as a blogger wouldn’t be as effective so I choose to be real. Since being real may mean being vulnerable to criticism, I definitely need to thicken my skin and look at it as battle wounds for the cause of Christ, knowing that He sees the intentions of my heart: seeking to help, bless, and uplift others who are hurting. Because most people generally like reading posts that they can relate to, I will continue to write from my heart in hopes to be a blessing.

I prayed before writing this post that it would be helpful to another blogger out there who may be new to blogging or facing the same challenges I have faced. I pray God blesses each and every one of you as you seek to write for whatever your blogging mission may be, and that your blogging experience is a deeply blessed and rewarding one.

With much love,

Viv ✍🙏

Author: Viv

I'm a spoonie Blogger grieving the loss of my husband who went home 2/13/22.

111 thoughts on “Some Blogging Insights”

  1. Loved both the points. I can relate, especially being new to the blogging world I have to remind myself that the worth of What I write is not dependent on likes and I have to be authentic to what I feel urged to write.
    Thankyou for this Vivian. 🙂

    Liked by 9 people

    1. I’m glad you liked it! That’s right! Writing for God is such a blessed gift and it gives glory to Him no matter who likes it or not. I’m happy you joined the blogging community and happy to know you!🤗🙏✍

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  2. Great post with great points. I don’t post a lot except in the comments from time to time. I have probably 40 plus drafts written but haven’t published any in a while. I don’t know why. I read blogs that are like you described, open, and honest. I’m not so much into the “it’s all about my opinion, you should believe this way, and your wrong if you don’t” blogs. There is enough judgment, and discourse in the world. Not being a part of it works best for me 🙂 You can feel when a person is posting to get the views, like, and comments too. Your openness and honesty reads through, and that’s why I enjoy coming here to visit with you Vivian 🙂 LORD, thank You for continuing to bless Vivian 🙂

    Liked by 10 people

    1. Thanks dear Margaret! Sorry to all for the delay in responding…..I’m having a bad brain day today.🤕 I agree on all points you said. My story was used as “click bate” by another to boost her views. It was wrong and I had to speak up for myself which was hard. I’m so glad to have you stop in and support me dear lady! Thank you so much and God bless you always my friend!😚🤗

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      1. Oh my bad brain day here too. I was typing up Bible verses, and selecting pictures, and out of no where, dizzy, queasy, hard to focus(eyesight and thoughts) I am with you, the LORD is with us, and He will help us get through these “bad” times 🙂

        Sorry someone did that to you. I had something similar happen to me a year or so ago. A person used a comment, and the replies back and forth by me and the blogger to write a post about. Although I had already started to become leary of this blogger, I didn’t know why. Even so, I wouldn’t have minded it if they had not insinuated that I didn’t know who Jesus is, or was confused about who He is. I don’t get ruffled up over many things but if you insinuate I might be confused about who Jesus is, well, that gets me upset. Even though it should not. God knows my heart.

        In their comments section I tried to explain they mistook my comment, explained my comment, only to have them keep defending what they had insinuated, tell me it was ok if I was confused, etc, etc. I proceeded to try and explain again. Breaking down the comment for them line by line and what I meant, to no avail. They kept defending what they said, and tried to convince me it was ok to be confused. I saw that they wanted to use me, and the other blogger to get views. I feel that way because they kept defending what they had done, and I feel if they were trying to be a “good” Christian as they were professing, they would have either taken my name out of their post, OR at least corrected the post to reflect the truth about what my comment said. They didn’t. It proved to me they are a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Sad that it happens but it is God’s way of showing us who people are just like He showed us who these bloggers really are 🙂 I don’t hold ill will over it but I won’t participate in it either, now that I know 🙂

        I pray you start to feel better. LORD, thank You for bringing Vivian relief, and continuing to bless and use her to do Your good will 🙂

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      2. Oh, many hugs to you Margaret! Dizziness is hard and with it comes nausea plus my legs don’t seem to work properly…..I’m sorry to hear that you struggle too. 😔💖

        I’m so sorry about what happened to you in the comments a year ago. That must have been so aggravating and would have really shook me up. Thankfully WordPress let’s us block people from comments or keep them in que for approval. Yes, comments can be great but also hard in ways but like you said, I think we can get a sense about someone if something feels wrong and maybe that red flag is from God who protects us. I am glad that person is leaving you alone now and that you are still blogging sweet friend!

        Awww, yes I am loads better after a good nap. Thank you so much and God bless you! 💖🤗🙏🙏

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      3. I probably could have handled it better if they had said something in my comments hahaha but the fact that they wrote a whole blog about me being confused about who my Saviour is on their blog. They did it nicely, in a helpful tone for those of us poor confused Christians out there LOL So, I couldn’t do anything about it other than make a comment to try and clear it up. I tried to give them the benefit of the doubt. That maybe they misunderstood what I had said on the other blog. But from their replies back to me, it was clear they had an agenda. They didn’t care what I had originally meant. They didn’t care if their post was accurate, and truthful. They just wanted to piggy back off of me. Get views, comments and likes. Otherwise they would have corrected their blog post. It caused me to not comment on any blogs for a while. I didn’t want something I said to be twisted again.

        Thank You LORD for giving dear Vivian relief, and a good nap. 🙂

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      4. That would have really upset me too. I wish Christians didn’t throw eachother under the bus. It feels so wrong to be hurt by the body and judged. I’ve been judged by my brain injury, depression and poor church attendance… Christians. I expected other ppl to be unkind but when it’s Christians, it totally shook me up. I’m sorry you were treated this way.😔🙏 It sounds like that person wanted to twist things to fit their agenda no matter who it effected. I’m so glad you have kept blogging though. I think the evil one wants us to give up because we are speaking the gospel and Jesus Christ. But we know God is on our side!!

        Much love!! God bless you always!! 💖🙏🤗🤗🤗

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      5. I am sorry you went through that with your church family. I always think that is the time for visitation, prayers, bringing you and family food, do some cleaning for you whilst there. And lots of prayer. Laying our hands on you prayer, prayer over your home and family, prayer for healing. Then thanks to the LORD for hearing and answering of those prayer, lots and lots of thanks because it is done. It might not be done when we want it to be but His Word says it is done nonetheless. So, I feel, we should start thanking Him for it.

        It is such a blessing to have you Vivian. I thank God for you, and for hearing our prayers for you, and answering them 🙂

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      6. And it’s a blessing to get to know you as well dear sister. I love your heart!! God bless you always and thank you so much for praying! Xoxo

        Yes, thanking God daily, for alllllll His blessings which are many. 💖🤗😚🌻🙏

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      7. So sad to hear that you have had to deal with that misunderstanding… It can be very discouraging when others don’t seem to understand us.
        I suppose that should really make us glad to reflect upon the fact that our Lord knows all and yet, has even accepted us as His own. 🙂 ❤

        Liked by 3 people

  3. That was so helpful, Vivian! I have felt those same exact things, and feel that God is really doing a work in me through this blogging experience to say what He wants me to say and if He’s pleased with it, then that’s all that matters. You definitely have to learn to shut the noise out.

    I agree that keeping blog posts shorter is best, but I do have to say when I wrote Care Facility Nightmares, it was very long, and I was very concerned about the length of it. But because it was such a traumatic and emotional experience for us, I didn’t feel I would be doing it or my son justice by breaking it down into chunks. So I prayed about what I should do, and the next day I received an email from WordPress that said not to be afraid of writing long reads. I felt that was my answer, so I published it the way it was, and I have to say, it has been the most read post out of all my posts. Sometimes long reads can be good.

    Liked by 8 people

    1. Oh WONDERFUL dear Kelly! I’m so glad your post was successful and yes, it did TJ justice by writing it! It was God telling you to go for it! I agree, like in this case, sometimes longer reads are necessary to state your cause and it’s best to just write it out to have a powerful impact. I love your blog and writings dear one… goes very deep with me and I’m honored we can traverse this blogosphere together for the same purposes. Much love!! God bless you! 🤗😍


  4. Ha – good ones! I have had those posts where I thought I was writing soul-searing wisdom, yet nothing much happened with it. Well, as you say, that’s okay; I do this for God’s glory, and He will do with it what He may. 😊

    Liked by 8 people

    1. Yes indeed Kathy! There was a post I boo hooed over, couldn’t sleep, prayed and felt led to share……then crickets. Nothing. But, after months it finally got a few responses, so sometimes it’s slow. Yes, all glory to God….amen! 🤗😍

      Liked by 2 people

  5. Thank you for the insights Viv, and as usual, for your transparency, as difficult and painful as it can be at times. I agree that we need to be authentic in our writing, what good is putting on a front just to be liked by strangers and not being able to develop good relationships. Also, what good is it to not be true before the “Truth”. Our job is to please our Father first and I’m glad to be reminded that once He is pleased, that’s all that truly matters. Love you sweet friend ❤️❤️

    Liked by 5 people

    1. You’re very welcome precious! Amen! Pleasing our Father first is our job and the rest is up to Him in how He uses it…..for His glory. I love your authentic writing sweet girl….it’s so refreshing to me! I’m so pleased we met here on WordPress…’re a sweet gift! Thank you for supporting me and much love back. Love you!! 🤗😚🤗😚

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    2. “Our job is to please our Father first and I’m glad to be reminded that once He is pleased, that’s all that truly matters.”
      Yep. 👍🏻 Just gotta keep reminding ourselves of this. 🙂

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      1. Ugh, vertigo is the worst. I’m actually more scared of that than my other tbi symptoms…..I’m praying now for you. 🙏💖 Please take it easy dear friend. I’m so much hoping tomorrow is better for you. 🙏

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      2. My vertigo episode a month ago is still leaving side effects, mainly when I use my eyes or legs it feels out of touch or like I’m falling. I’m okay now but my brain flipped out last night and it was a hard night. I’m so weary of this but your words to me about God teaching us patience keeps me strong. 🤕💖

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      3. It’s ok. I’ve got not so good news today from my primary doctor. I had done blood work for 2 specialists and he received the results. I’m currently significantly anemic and my THS levels are really high. So, that would explain the extra feeling of weakness and fatigue. He suggested that if I continue this way, and can’t tolerate it, to just make my way to the ER.
        Oh dearest friend, God continues to help me see through all this that I am not in control – He is. I’m trying to rest as much as I can, and I am just grateful there are answers. 😌🙏🏽 Praying for you. Always.

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      4. Oh Ana😯 I agree with your doctor about just going to the ER. I have a friend who struggled with her iron so much and went to the ER to get a blood transfusion. She said it made her feel so much better. When you said your THS levels are high, do you mean hyper? I always would get so confused when the doctors said my levels were low which meant high or high which meant low but I think you mean hyper right? Oh precious, I’m so sorry you’re struggling so much. I’m praying all day for you. Thank you for letting me know what’s up. I’m so grateful for answers too! That way the issues can be addressed and remedied. Much love and gentle hugs. 🙏💖🙏💖

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      5. Yes, the hyperthyroidism. My pcp mentioned that, that if I get to the ER that they’ll probably do a blood transfusion.
        Oh patience, lots of love and patience for this body the Lord has gifted me. 😌

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      6. Oh my goodness I had that too. They had to keep reducing the Synthroid. It was awful. I’m sorry Ana. I can relate. Please know I’m praying and if you need anyone, I’m here. Yes, patience, always. He’s holding us Ana. 💖

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      7. It really helps to know we’re not alone. Thinking of you all the time. If you still have my number feel free to text and if you go to ER please let me know if you are able. 💖

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  6. Oh Vivian! Your realness is what reeled me into your blog! It has really blessed me knowing you through your struggles. It lets me know we have hope, and we all need each other. And when we confess our faults one to another, we will be healed! When I first started blogging, I didn’t know which direction to turn. But through reading your posts, and a few others who were “real,” I have slowly tried to be real myself. I am very reserved by nature, so for me, I’m being the only real I know how to be. Blogging has been so healing for me, and the people here have become my dear friends, including yourself! I feel at home here. No judgements….I have had one person that I know of, totally stop talking to me after I shared some real stuff, but it’s ok. It hurt a little., because we are caring people and are a part of the human race. Most introverts are very sensitive. I don’t have very many introverts in my life, so this has been a blessings to be able to interact with other like-minded people. It has even given me a little more self-esteem…oh goodness! Here I am prattling on and on about me! 😱 Sorry about that! But I love your blog! Keep writing! We are listening!

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Renee, you have a beautiful heart! I do not usually respond to people’s comments on other people’s blogs, but I am led to respond to yours! Keep being you! This life is not easy! For what it is worth, what I tell myself when I share is that if God has forgiven me and He does not judge me, then if a person does not like me or my message (whether oral or written) they are not rejecting me but God. That does NOT mean that I am God!!! What that means is that I am His daughter and vessel and if people throughout history have rejected Jesus’s message and authenticity, so too, will they reject me. Keep pressing on Renee! Keep being Renee in Christ! Each step you take brings you one step closer to the King, if you are willing to take it. I am praying for you! Father God, You have created our personalities. You call the introvert out and bring in the extrovert. Lord, help Renee to be confident in the experiences and messages You have given her to share in person and online. Lead and guide Renee into a deeper understanding of who she is in Christ. May the time Renee spends with You and in Your Word overflow into the people You have placed in her sphere of influence. Thank You Father for Vivian and Renee, lead these beautiful women in Your grace, mercy and truth not just today; but, always. In Jesus’s Name I pray, Amen. Blessings, Mandy

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      1. Amen Mandy. I just prayed along with your loving prayer to Renee. Your message is an encouragement from the Lord. This truth, being rejected by ppl yet Christ experienced the same rejections, has comforted my heart over and over again. Isaiah 53:3…..” He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief……” This verse is God saying to us, “Jesus gets it, He gets us, He understands”

        Much love Mandy, and God bless you for loving on others!!💖

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    2. Awww, your comment made me feel so warm inside sweetheart. I am deeply humbled by what you said about finding my blog and being led to opening up more because of it and others too. Thank you so much for mentioning that to me! It makes it all worth it!😭😙💖 I feel at home here for the most part… unhappy feedback comes from facebook people mostly. Boo. But, it’s growing me and teaching me to love anyways. Oh, so sorry about the person not talking to you… doesn’t feel so great when that happens.😔😯 I love you sweet friend, and enjoy your realness because you are an amazing lady and it’s a blessing to be a part of your life in this way. Oh, I love it……you can always talk to me, I’m here!! 😙🤗😙🤗💖💖

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      1. You are so sweet Viv! I hate to see anyone lashing out at people who are kind-hearted. Everyone deserves respect. Some people want to put conditions on their love towards others. I hope I don’t eve come across as a judgmental Christi’s. To anyone or so perfect that I walk in water lol. Because I know I’m the least in His kingdom!!! Thanks so much for your sweet words. I hope we can all be a blessing to one another here! I still get in fb long enough to read a few comments and post something and get out of there! I don’t know about anyone here, but it has become the most negative thing in my life anymore! Thanks for being there! Same here! I’m for all my friends! ❤️🤗🌻🦋🌈

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      2. Everyone does deserve respect, Yes! I’m so over being able to handle ppl who like to pick on me. For my whole life I just took it but now literally can’t. Lol, walk on water….very true! Me either! I don’t pretend to be perfect nor expect others to be. Only Jesus is perfect. 💖 What is it with facebook? I feel sad nearly every time after logging off of it. It’s like when I login, I’m walking in a messy zoo yard with bleeps, mooes, brays, honks….and smells, then when I log out I look down and have animal scat all over my shoes. 😭🤣😯🤧I feel like it’s a toxic website now, so just stay away. I still do messenger though to talk to my girls.🤗😚💖

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      3. I’ve come to the place in my life that I just can’t handle negativity anymore. I don’t mean the kind where someone is sharing their heart and trials they’re going through. We do deal with negative things. I’m talking about like you described (so comically I might add! I loved the farm yard metaphor! 😄) the drama, trouble-making, back-stabbing, critical, demeaning, gossiping, mean-spirited kind. I have had to stand my ground these days. I would rather be on an island by myself anymore than hang out with this kind of behavior. Being beaten with sticks and stones gets mighty old! I so agree with your statements! I hope everyone here knows by now, if I say anything that may be taken in a hurtful way, that they could message or email me and find that it was a misunderstanding. I sure don’t want to mistreat ANYONE the way I’ve been treated before. 🙏🙌🤗🌻

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      4. I agree 100%!! I am there! I can’t handle negativity either! I think, it actually hinders my physical and emotional healing. Oh, hehehe 😂 I’m glad you liked my metaphor😁 I really do think the toxic nature of fb effects my soul and as a bruised individual with tbi, I have to guard myself from those things. Ohhhhhh precious, 😔 I hate to think of ppl being mean or mistreating you. I know you well enough to say you’d never intentionally hurt anybody. I sometimes think I’m near genious at offending others without meaning to….then they play victim and I feel awful but I’m like you….I never want to hurt anyone. Big super big hugs !! Xoxo💖🤗


  7. I think you have covered this lovingly ❤ I've experienced decline and last year especially really trip me up. But this year, God has helped me worked on not the people who will not look at the post, but FOR EVERYONE WHO WILL! Regardless of interaction. Interaction can really be a "me" thing. I desire feedback, numbers, comments, followers…etc. But it is not supposed to be about me, but God. And then when I get feedback, but it is not what I want, God reminds me to look at things in a different light. Try to see where others are coming from. Sometimes I struggle not because anything was particularly wrong…but because I completely disagreed with a viewpoint. Or took it more to heart than I really should have. I want to help people and I have to acknowledge the hard comments are a way to help others. Be the right example. Love others and make sure I love them before I become about my feelings, this is hard sometimes. I'm still working on it. ❤ Thanks for this Vivian! I believe and have already seen, this is helping others!

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    1. I’m so honored to hear from you today TR! It’s a big blessing to see your comment and I thank you for that! I’m sorry you had experienced a decline last year…….for me, I have had some stop interacting with me who were loyal before but I think I have come to realise to hold everything with a open hand. That’s right, “for everyone who will” and you have your core family here who love you and support you dear one. I cherish my blogging family so much and still remember the first time I “met” you here….remember? I saw Jesus’ love in your sweet smile and knew we would stay connected because of our love for him. It’s so wonderful the tie that binds!

      I understand about loving others….and setting aside feelings, whew that’s hard. I’m so glad Jesus loves me inspite of my messy self. Big hugs TR! You and your blog are a blessing to me and many, many others. 💖🙏🤗

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      1. ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ Praise the Lord!!! Yes, I've lost some loyal readers but I've come to understand that there have been some blogs I used to be loyal to, too, and it's nothing personal. So the interaction I totally miss, but so grateful I had it when I did ❤ God certainly used those moments and those people

        Wow, the Lord is soooo good to us! I'm so grateful for our friendship and how it has gone through this past year!!!! ❤ ❤ ❤

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      2. Yes, I agree that we cross paths with others whom God allows into our lives for specific reasons and then leads on towards other destinations. It’s a big help to keep everyone loosely in our hands or like Corrie Ten Booms says, otherwise it hurts when God pries our hands open.

        Big hugs TR and God bless you always my friend!💖💖🤗

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      1. This is a genuine heartfelt way to tell you how much you encourage and inspire me. Your love for the Lord and the grace with which you carry your challenges in life speaks of the Lords work in you and I am thankful that our paths have crossed ( via blogging).

        Liked by 2 people

  8. Such excellent advice, Vivian! Thank you for sharing. Yes, we are always seeking affirmation and prefer to avoid criticism. May we keep our eyes on Jesus, so that neither matters too much. May God continue to use your writing and your messages to help many!

    Liked by 3 people

  9. Reblogged this on The Writing Life and commented:
    Lucky “the nurse” doesn’t know what I get up to (she’s a very private “purrson”), but I have a lot of “fun” on the “net”
    My friends say I’m taking up ALL the space on the internet with my various posts and blogs (and “taking over” the www??)…
    so get your own internet, you “fairy” (thanks, Monty Python!).

    “Life is far too important (a subject) to be taken too seriously!”

    Time for a change in tone now (as the story is getting “far too silly”)…

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Excellent post, Vivian. I totally agree with you. I read posts by great writers, so much better writers than me, but they get few likes and comments. I am fortunate that I’ve formed great friendships with other bloggers, including you, over the seven years I’ve been blogging. Also, I used to spend half the day in the blogging world and read and commented on many posts. I can’t invest that much time online anymore. Stick with it, sister.

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    1. I’m delighted to get your encouraging comment Bill. It means so much because I know it requires more effort for you and I’m humbled. God is so good to bring about friendships through blogging and I’m honored to be your friend brother and to pray for you. Seven years is an amazing milestone! Your determination inspires so many including me. Thank you so much Bill for your support. God bless you always my friend. 🙋‍♀️🙏✍

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  11. So glad I stopped by, great points on blogging. I started my blog when we lived in Papua New Guinea because I was experiencing so many new things and God was pouring words into my heart and I had this great need to express it besides writing a letter. Blogging is such an out let for me and sounds like you too. I have not encounted but a couple of negative people. I posted something they did not like, and my goodness I got ripped apart. I never went back to their site to comment on anything they wrote. Looks like you have tons of followers so I figure you must write truth. I will come back for another visit. blessings.

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    1. Hi and thank you for stopping by! That is amazing how you went to Papua New Guinea! My kids and I just read God Speaks Numanggang for our schooling and loved learning about how He is working and has worked through Bible translation into their language. Amazing! Yes, it’s tough being ripped apart. 😣 I do think I have grown more from the criticism than if others just gave me praise, so I can truly feel grateful for it. But, it’s tough going through it. Thankfully, I get over it in time.
      Blessings to you and so great to “meet” you. 🤗🤗🌻🌻🌼


      1. Don’t mind constructive criticism but what I received was way over the top. Love that you have been teaching your children about others all over the world. We are with Ethnos360 formally New Tribes Mission, stateside now in a Member Care ministry. Learning language and culture of different people has widen my world for sure and our children now adults with children of their own. We have never regretted what we expose them to by taking them to live overseas. We lived in Bolivia our first country with our kids, neither one of them regret it either even though it’s hard to pull up a teen roots and move them overseas. Thank God we could trust Him for even that or we would not have went or even stayed. It’s a blessing meet you too.

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    1. Awwwww, sweet Tammy……it means so much you asked me! Thank you! They are better as long as I limit how much I am on my phone and other devices and my light sensitivity has improved a lot, so I’m not needing to wear sunglasses indoors like before. God is healing them. It made my day you asked precious! Big, super big hugs!!😊😙🤗🤗

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      1. Awwww ❤ bless God for that! You're very welcome. I just love caring and encouraging others. It's my passion God gave me! 😀 I'm so happy to hear that good report! I keep you in prayer most times and when I forget the Holy Spirit reminds me to! Awww I bless God that it made you day! He's so amazing! This response made my evening now haha! Many hugs, love & blessings to you & your family! ❤

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      2. It means so that you pray for me. I have been greatly encouraged with visible improvements in my stamina lately. I’m not as weak as I used to be and your beautiful prayers are being answered! 😚😚Oh, how wonderful Tammy to know you. You are on a little island right? Trinidad and Tobago? But, you have a huge heart for others. Much love and hugs always!💗💗💗🦋🦋🤗🤗

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  12. Vivian, you make some excellent points. I try to schedule some of my posts at days/times that offer more reader interaction. While traffic on my blog has grown, my main purpose is to use this medium as an outlet for my writing.

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    1. I’m so glad you think so Richard. I know Sunday and Monday are good days to post maybe in the mornings as I used to do. Now, with my schedule I must stick to the weekends because the schooling during the weekdays is first.

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    1. Very true. I have found loads of support from this blogging family for which I’m grateful. Raising awareness so others can learn about TBI while giving glory to God has been what’s driven me.

      Awwww, thanks so much for the encouragement and for following me. Much love!

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