Home Is Where The Dog Is (And Cat)

I want share with you some cute pictures and stories of my very own cuddly fur babies!!

My six-year-old Maltepoo, Molly (Moo Moo), my grey tabby Momma cat, Katniss, and her son Jack.

These aren’t just ordinary pets, they’re therapy! Sadly my husband is allergic to cats (asthma) so they stay outside mostly but come into the kitchen for meals.

Moo Moo is hypoallergenic and stays inside mostly which is awesome. She made months of my being bedridden more bearable because not once did she leave my side.

Molly as a puppy with my oldest daughter

Don’t get me wrong, she’s not an angel (who is?) and she is a very clever stealer of food scraps left on the table. Sometimes when she wants attention she will cut loose on my bed dead center! That’s not fun to remedy as I just purchased the new bedspread I waited years for.

She has an extremely loud bark which scares the mailman and acts crazy when company comes with her high energy jumping, shaking, and yips.

But even so, I’m in love with this little fluff ball of super bad cuteness. She has such a huge heart of love for people. She has also taught me what unconditional love truly is. Dogs are God’s gift because they show us just how easy it is to only love conditionally, yet their unconditional love mirrors God’s love in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us.

Molly is a total mama’s girl since my husband doesn’t share as much enthusiasm for little yappy pooches. He just likes big old well-behaved labs with low energy that don’t piddle on his pillow (true story).

Fun dog fact: Most dogs have the maturity of a two year old toddler and can understand approximately 250 words and gestures.

Most recent of Molly, the black spots around her eyes have faded.

Katniss, (yes, I named her after the heroine of The Hunger Games) is our “MOMMA cat” she’s blessed us with two kitten litters in 2013/2014.

We ended up keeping a beautiful orange male from her first litter who was struck by a car a year later. That was devestating since he was my daughter’s very own chosen companion.

Jack came in the second litter. He was the runt and really kind of ugly, but there was something about him. Something I could relate to. He was so unporpotioned with huge ears, small head and body. We discovered later after taking the rest to find new homes and be adopted, that his mouth is deformed so he could not easily get enough milk from his mother therefore making him small and unhealthy looking. After he became the only nursing kitten, he plumped right up and is now a handsome, big, strong male cat.

Fun cat fact: The ridged pattern on a cat’s nose is as unique as a human fingerprint. However, cats can’t see directly below their noses. That’s why they miss food that’s right in front of them.

He’s a bit of a whiny mama’s boy and she’ll take a swat at his head quite regularly but both are great cats and gifted hunters.

I’ve seen evidences of the remains of captured or (mostly) eaten mice, moles, voles, rabbits (sniff), squirrels, birds, skinks, lizards, and large bugs. Since we live in the woods, I don’t see snakes slinking around as much as before because we have no mice on account of our cats.

Truly, a blessing but more than that. They are such pleasant relievers of stress. They love like house cats and Katniss will always jump on my lap when I go outside to read and pray. Their purrs are super loud too which I think emphasizes the amount of love given and received by us and them.

Katniss aka Momma Cat

I’m so greatly blessed by our family’s fur babies and thank God for His pleasant gifts of cozy comforts.

Jack our sweet boy

Do you own pets? I’d LOVE to hear about them. Is there one naughty quirky habit your pet does that makes you laugh or drives you nuts?

Percy (our cat killed by a car) my youngest son holding him 8 months prior.

They probably see a bird

Loads of love,


Author: Viv

I'm a spoonie Blogger grieving the loss of my husband who went home 2/13/22.

74 thoughts on “Home Is Where The Dog Is (And Cat)”

  1. Your pets are so cute! We have a Shi Tzu named Leroy. He loves to lay in bed with my daughter and I and watch movies. If my husband comes in and tries to pick him up, Leroy will show his teeth like he’s so big and bad. haha! We also have 3 cats – Sam, Oatmeal and Amber. Sam is about 13 years old and having some health issues.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Lol, Leroy likes to pretend he’s boss right?😂 I love it!! Thank you for sharing that fun story Michelle!! What lovely names for cats!! I’m sorry Sam is having health issues.🙁 I know how that is. I have had to nurse one of our litters back to health because of distemper. It was awful but colloidal silver kept them alive!!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Yes he does! Lol! I’m so glad they survived! Having pets is a lot more work than some people think. My daughter would have at least 20 kittens if I would let her. We just volunteer in the kitten room at the local shelter instead. 😉

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      2. They all survived but one was bitten by something and another hit by a car.😢 Out here in the country our neighbors always had a few litters every late spring. We loved to just sit and hold kittens all day! I’ve been called “crazy cat lady” by some but to me that’s a high complement!! Lol!! What a great thing to volunteer!! I bet your daughter and my daughter would REALLY hit it off!

        Liked by 2 people

      3. Loved reading about your fur babies! I have 2 outside pets right now. We live in the country also. A dog named Chess, and a cat named, Grace. Just when I think Chess is out of the chewing stage, he will fool me lol. Grace loves to leave “little presents” on the front doormat. Most are unwanted lol, but they both are very loving. I had vowed after grieving from the loss of my 11 year old, Baby, I could never again have any pets. But my youngest daughter insisted that we have another and brought home Chess. I may write a future blog on Baby. Thanks for sharing!

        Liked by 2 people

      4. Thank you for sharing your pet stories with me tonight! I know all about the “little presents”!! LOL, yesterday I opened the back door to find a squirrel tail just sitting there. I think Katniss is proud of her presents. 🐱

        Oh yes!! Someday, I would love to read a post about your Baby. I have grieved over many pets and understand that loss. It’s hard indeed. Thank you for your fun comments tonight and God bless you and yours. 😍❤

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  2. Aww… Now I love your furry family too! This was more than cute!! Thank you for sharing. I have Zen, our German Shepherd, who is everything but calm (which is the name we gave him). LOL!!! He is a big BIG BIGGGGGGG ball of joy in our house. Wrote about him on “Puppy Love” a little while back. Happy Friday and God bless you Vivian!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Awwwww, Zen!! I love that!! My husband had a German Shepherd named Gandalf who was super sweet. I understand dogs with high energy!!😂 But doesn’t it seem like they are the MOST loving? I’ll have to find your post on Puppy Love. Hugs Christy and prayers!!🤗🤗

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  3. Aw sweet fur babies! They certainly add joy to our lives! And i was reminded of my parents’ dog who relieves himself in the house….he knows to go outside but us just ornery or something…but he has to wear diapers because my mom won’t have it! 😂 my dad says the dog is embarrassed, but my mom doesn’t budge haha. Anyway. Animals are funny sometimes!

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    1. LOL!!! Diapers!! Oh the humiliation! I think you’re dad’s right! 😂 I’ve been told it’s a male thing to weewee in the house but my female dog has proven that to be false! She always cuts loose on my bed or the couch, especially when I am on the phone. Reminds me of my two year old spreading jelly on the walls to get my attention back then. Yes, they can be funny when being bad!!😆😆


      1. Haha yeah…he’s a stinker. Our other dog growing up was a sweetheart and only really went in the house at the end of her life when she couldn’t help it. She would normally hold it in until she would be about to pop (like if we were gone for a while) and as an absolute last resort, she would go away from where she slept lol. But they have such personalities sometimes!

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      2. Awww, yessss…..mine won’t “go” in her cage either thankfully. Yes, they do have interesting personalities! I read that a cat’s brain is more like a human’s than a dog’s brain. Really interesting!!🤗🐱🐈

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  4. Oh my…I have lost several wonderful pet family members. The one I have now is just a bad girl. She digs and digs to the point it is dangerous to walk across the yard especially when the grass needs to be mowed. Mostly she does this when I am out there working so I’m sure she thinks she is helping. I even had to fence off my flower garden because she had just destroyed it. It is coming back with a lot of work.

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    1. That’s hard. My mama lost her cat of 14 years recently and has sworn off future cats. I still hope she reconsiders though.

      Ugh, I’m sorry about your naughty doggie.🐈 I have had several moments I actually considered giving Molly away because of the stress of cleaning up her messes, extra laundry, washing spots on the mattresses etc. But, then God reminds me of how he still loves me even though I mess up constantly, so I keep the little rascal.

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      1. Oh, I’m so very sorry for your loss. 💔 Yes, you need that doggie so much right now. They become a part of our family don’t they. My father-in-law passed away suddenly last summer July 14, 2017 from a heart attack. My mother-in-law has his five cats she tends to now. They are her babies and honestly, she needs them because they were a part of him. He had a specific toy designated for each one. She feeds them wet food on a huge silver platter on china plates and loves on them constantly. I praise God for her cats!! I’m thinking of you. 🙏❤

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  5. Hi!! VIVIAN I truly enjoyed what you shared. It reminds me of our little dog (Tippy) She was so smart of a dog, she would shark your hand when you ask her too. She was very welled trained. She had been with us since I was a baby. We loved her. She was killed by another dog that lived next door to us that was larger than her, that was supposed to be loose. When we had let her out to do what she needed to do. She would scratch on the door to let us know that she needed to go out, and she would scratch to let us know she needed back in. One day she didn’t scratch to come back in. That was a sad moment in my childhood. I cried!! it was hard to stop!! Anyway, thank you for sharing with us. Today I can not have any cats and dogs where I live. If we could I sure would be having a cat and a dog. LOL LOL I agree with you they are very much blessed to have. God Bless you!! ((Hugs))

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Awwww, Tippy!! I knew a dog named that long ago! Thank you for the fond remembrance of your sweet pooch. I’m so sorry about the way she was killed. My mama had a cat named Patches who was killed by a pack of dogs. It was awful. Yes, we grieve when we loose them. It’s hard. I lost Percy my cat smd a kitten we named Tarzan. Heartbreaking but I am thankful for the pets I now have. My mama just lost her cat Katie and doesn’t want another but I think she needs another. How are you dearest? ☺ Hugs!! 🤗🤗

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      1. Amen!! Amen!! Give her time, she just might decide to get her another one. I’m doing good!! I Thank you for sharing again. Because this is my first since all those years to talk about Tippy 🙂 I’m baking me two sweet potatoes!! yummy!! It’s that Season I’m having the taste for a Baked Sweet potato with some butter, and honey. 🙂 Thank you for asking. I pray you are doing well. ((Hugs))

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      2. Sweet Betty, thank you so much for telling me of Tippy after all these years. I am glad we could share together. 🤗 You are right, mama may get another cat again in time….I hope so!!
        I love sweet potatoes!! My favorite is sweet potato fries and my sister-in-law once made a stuffed twice-baked sweet potato with coconut, apples and raisins! It was heavenly!!😋 I think butter and honey sounds scrumptious Betty!! 🍠 Much love!!!! Have a lovely rest of your weekend and know, I’m praying for you.

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  6. Good Night!! Vivian…You are very welcome!! Thank you. And I’m going to try that sweet potato with coconut, apples, and raisins…thanks for sharing that. You to have a lovely rest of your weekend. Thank you for your prayers, we will both do this for each other. Good Night!! ((Hugs)) 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

      1. That is A Blessing you made it to the House of the LORD. As I tell other’s “Each Day Is The Best Day of My Life!! No matter of my pain!! I’m Thankful and Grateful that His with me. Thank you for asking my dear friend. You get you your rest, and continue allowing Our Heavenly Father to use you for His Purpose. Love You!! 🙂 ((Hugs))

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I love your motto! I was thinking about that yesterday…..so true and thankful. Your thankful heart really encourages me in being grateful for each day, no matter the pain. Yes, I need rest. I want to write and blog but I need rest more and if I push myself too much it will only prolong the recovery time. Big hugs!!🙏❤

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  7. So cute! Pets have a way to make you smile with their little quirks. We have a two year old cat. He’s super funny. We love seeing his face when we come home. 😺 Thanks for introducing your furry babies to us!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I love young male cats at that age. They’re so playful and full of spirit!! 😺 Thanks so much for telling me about him and how much you love seeing his face. I only wish we could post pictures in comments so we could show our babies off better. Much love Aixa!! 🤗🤗😻

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  8. Thanks for sharing this Vivian, I finally got through again! Funtastic pics of your pets, love the one of Jack looking into the camera. I had one that color several years ago. My present cat Muffin is definitely the Queen around here! If I am not paying enough attention to her so will scratch the carpet, otherwise she stays with her scratching posts. God bless!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m delighted that you read the pet article Steve! Yes, Jack is as sweet as he looks. We had an orange male named Percy hit by a car years ago, it’s tough to lose a pet that way. Muffin sounds a lot like my mama cat Katniss……haha, yes, “Queen”. I’d love to see a picture of her. God bless you as well and I appreciate you stopping by.


      1. Hi Vivian! Next time you come to my site look for Muffins Mewsings, several pics of her there. I really should put a new pic of her on my blog too, perhaps tomorrow. Thanks for the request! Muffin 🐈 actually seems to enjoy having her photo taken. There is also one of her kissing me on our about page! She does that frequently.

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  9. Awe thanks for sharing. I love them all! So precious and yes they are a blessing from God.
    Brinley my grand pup, she finds my ear plugs and eats them 🙈
    Then we had a bulldog a few years ago, he has since past😢 but he use to eat the walls in my dining room when he was a puppy. I mean alllll the way through the Sheetrock, you could see the wood and other side of wall. One day he just walked of the DR and red and white dripping from his face😂

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    1. I’m sure those ear plugs are tasty!! Lol!!😂 my Molly ate the kid’s crayons as a puppy and pooped out all kinds of colorful turds. 😁😂😂

      Oh my, the walls? Oh deary!! That must have been such a trying time for you all….I’m sorry he passed on. I know how fully they become family in our lives and means so much!

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      1. How funny! We had a boston terrier years ago and when she was a puppy the girls use to have those soy crayons and she would eat those. Back then we lived in a apartment, so you always had to pick up their poop which I always did.

        We had a grouchy neighbor and one day they came knocking on my door accusing me of not picking up her poop. I said “Well sir I always pick up her poop, was it colorful poop? (didn’t skip a beat, straight face and all) Sir my dogs poop is always colorful with crayon in it so if it didn’t then it wasn’t my dogs!” Oh you should’ve seen his face he stomped off huffing and puffing 😂😂😂

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      2. Oh I read this and died laughing!!! I could envision your neighbor’s huffing and puffing face!!! Thank you dear friend for relating that precious and fun memory! I shared your story with my kids and we all got a good chuckle!!! God is so good to give us these dogs to make our lives more colorful, yes, pun intended!!!😂😂😂😁😁💖💖

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      3. Oh my goodness I have tons of pictures of all my dogs. My phone is full of them lol. We had to put Baby down in April of 2016 and the other Boston terrier we had Dixie, she lived another year and half without her bestie Baby. We had to put her down in October of 2017, she was abt 14. Both of those just about killed me. They lived long but never long enough. Baby’s anniversary is coming up, I think I will make a post of my sweet girls. They were so precious, miss them terribly😢💗💗

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      1. Yeah, books are usually better as they include more detail and are not limited by time. I’ve heard that the HG movies keep most of the violence off screen. Is that true?


      2. I’m watching the first HG movie right now and absolutely love it!! The sound could be better but that’s what comes from watching it online.


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