Sunshine Blogger Award 3 in 1

It’s probably been a year since I was able to participate in an award. These awards are so much fun because you can get to know other bloggers through the questions and connect with them better.

Thank you Stu from Something to Stu Over, Debbie from Bee Tree Gathering, and Purple Rose for nominating me for this award.

πŸ† Stuart is a very godly man who writes about how God helped him overcome addiction. His blog showcases his huge heart and his goal is to help others through example, support and prayer.

πŸ† Debbie from Bee Tree Gathering writes beautiful uplifting posts from her own journeys through trials. She has a very caring heart and helped me greatly when I had my mold issue. Thanks dear Debbie!!

πŸ†Purple Rose writes some very lovely and profound poetry. Although I haven’t been following her long, I sense she is a beloved part of the blogging community with lots of insights to offer from her heart. I look forward to reading more from you Purple rose. (Purple’s my favorite color too. πŸ˜„)

I have enjoyed reading all your blogs and encourage my readers to go check them out and follow them if you’re not already doing so. You will be blessed!!πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ƒ

About the Sunshine award:

This award is given to creative, positive and cheerful bloggers by other bloggers as a token of appreciation and admiration.

Here are the rules:

β€’ Thank the person who nominated you and provide a link back to him/her.

β€’ Answer the 11 questions provided by the blogger who nominated you.

β€’ Nominate 11 other bloggers and ask them 11 new questions.

β€’ Notify the nominees by commenting on one of their blog posts.

β€’ List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo on your post.

I am going to just answer four questions from each person who nominated me, otherwise I’ll be answering 33 questions which feels like a lot. πŸ˜‰

First four questions by Stu:

1. What brings joy to your life?

Being able to spend time with my family.

2. If money was not an issue, what would be your dream job?

I would open up my own bakery and create all different kinds of delicious pasteries, cakes, pies, cookies, and all would be gluten free and good for you.

3. What are two gifts the Lord has blessed you with, spiritually or physically?

Usually, I’m good with initiating conversations. The gift of gab!πŸ˜‰

4. What post or posts touched you so deeply that you felt β€œeveryone needs to read this”.

Oh my, how do I narrow down this one? I really enjoyed Steve’s post about beautiful things.

Here are 4 questions from Debbie:

1. What stirs you to write?

I am stirred to write to bring hope to others who are hurting and to raise TBI awareness. Encouraging others through what I share has been my motivation since many with chronic illness or TBI suffer from loneliness and isolation.

2. What category does your writing center around? Why?

My main focus is sharing how God’s helping me in my healing journey, so my main catagory is Christianity and keeping our eyes focused on Jesus.

3. Which blogger post made you sincerely cry? Link?

It’s been awhile, but I cried when Tina wrote about discovering her friend died after the package she sent to him was sent back unopened. 😒

4. Which Blogger post made you bust out laughing? Link?

Oh, goodness me, Jeff Rab always makes me laugh so hard my heart palpitations act out. πŸ˜‚

Here are 4 questions from Purple Rose:

1. When did something start out badly for you but in the end, it was great?


2. Who do you go out of your way to be nice to?

I’m usually nice to everybody which at times can be challenging. However, lately I’ve learned I need to be nice to myself too which includes standing up for myself and setting proper boundaries with others.

3. What was the last photo you took?

A picture of my flower garden’s Zinnias. 🌻🌺🌷

4. What’s the most expensive thing you’ve broken?

I’d have to say my skull but actually, It was a wreck not me that broke it. And the cost of health care…well, you know.

It’s so tough to narrow it down as there are so many talented writers out there, but here goes…..

My nominees:


This new blogger brings so much fun to the blogging world through her clever, funny, and interesting posts. I always look forward to her Friday’s Favorite Character posts where she features a favorite person from a popular book, movie, or TV show. Her brilliance with words and insights bring so much sparkle to my life….M&M.


Tina’s wonderful blog God’s Kid Speaks always speaks to my heart. Her heart is so full of love for God as she writes guiding posts during her personal journey with chronic illness that always reflect what God is revealing to her through the scriptures. Tina is a blogger who I personally admire as a type of Mary who sits at Jesus’ feet learning, and taking in all He teaches. I strongly emcourage you to follow her blog!


Nicole’s powerful blog Trophy of Grace, stirs up hope, light and encouraging truth which she relates in a very inspirational way. Her blog She also loves to include gorgeous pictures of her lovely family and pets which always brighten my day. If you need a godly pep talk, this blog is a must!


Kim walks closely with God and is always faithfully studying the word. Along with being a close friend of mine, she is a veteran homeschooling mom and author of a great book. Her blog, Commissioned By Him, reflects her personal walk with the Lord as she bravely perseveres amidst debilitating chronic migraines, fatigue and cancer. I love this lady and her profoundly spirtual blog!


Kelly’s not only an excellent writer but also writes about her personal journey through her son TJ’s battle with TBI. This blog, While I’m Waiting, highlights her up close-and-personal accounts over the years she cared for her son as he battled brain injury. She addresses the social, physical and spiritual dilemmas those with TBI and their caretakers bravely face and speaks for these individuals through her deep love for God and His word.


I still remember the contact message I received from Cindy, Real Christian Women, when I first traversed the road of blogging. She encouraged me to write and offered so much support. She continues to do just this for me and many others through her daily Bible verses and weekly posts. She uses her years of Bible knowledge and experience to guide others for which I’m truly grateful.


Alicia is also a homeschooling mom who writes stirring posts based on her insights and life’s challenges on her blog, For His Purpose. I am always richly blessed when I read her articles and you will be too!


Renee’s blog, Heart Tokens, is such a fun, heartfelt and encouraging blog to visit. Don’t just visit though, follow her and be oh so abundantly blessed by her vibrant writing and her wonderful spirit. You will be blessed by knowing Renee through her blog!


Tammy, and islander from Trinidad and Tobago is such an encouragement to me. Her blog, God Inspired Art and Quotes, has such gorgeous flavor as she writes about God and the beauty all around us. Her love for others shines in all she does and the interaction she has with others. Thanks for praying for me Tammy!!


Deandra is not only a gifted writer and conveyor of words but she’s also become like a sister to me. I am so blessed beyond words God led her to my blog during a time I could hardly see to read or write. Her spirit is so alive with love which pours out of her and flows onto others through her blog and friendship. Why not follow this amazing lady at Imago Dei and receive this girl’s love back tenfold. You need to!!


Lily is one amazing young woman! She writes about what it feels like living in this harsh world while enduring a rare physical disability and speaks up as an advocate for others facing the same difficulties. Her spirit of determination will encourage you as it has me. Retrospective Lily is a must read, must follow blog!

And here are my 11 questions: πŸ€”

1) What is the bible verse/passage which you turn to the most for comfort?

2) What are you most thankful for today?

3) What was your favorite Saturday morning cartoon as a child?

3) When did you last clean out your closet? (hehehe, I tagged my daughter on this postπŸ˜‚)

4) What is your primary love language ie, acts of service, words of affirmation, physical touch, quality time, or gift giving?

5) Which Bible character can you relate to because of what they went through?

6) What is your favorite board game?

7) What is or was your favorite subject in school?

8) What do you enjoy doing during your down time?

9) What major obstacle in your life has God helped you overcome?

10) What musical instrument(s) can you play?

11) If you could go back 10 years, what major decisions would you change?

*To my nominees, please do not feel pressured to accept this award. I just wanted to show my appreciation for all you do and summerize why I feel others should follow you. Thank you and God bless you all!πŸ€—

Much love,

Viv 😊

Blogger recognition award

blogger recognition award Thank you Missy from One Stone Away and Joel from In the Desert With Jesus for nominating me! I feel greatly honored and humbled beyond words. Your kindness and encouragement, support and prayers mean the world to me.

Here is a brief recap as to why I started blogging.

In April, I decided to blog about having a traumatic brain injury to raise awareness and to give hope to others who suffer by proclaiming gentle truths from God’s heart. I would never even have dreamed of blogging before TBI but now realize this was God’s plan for me all along. My blog is to encourage, inspire, and uplift. Mostly, my message to people like me is; YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

Two pieces of advice to new bloggers are:

1) Write from within and don’t be afraid to share your heart.

2) Quality, not quantity. Focus on each post like it’s your only post. I personally find that posting once or twice a week at the most works best for me and if you get writer’s block, you can always try a Japanese haiku.πŸ˜‰

The Rules:

  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  2. Write a post to show your award.
  3. Give a brief story of how your blog started.
  4. Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.
  5. Select 15 or more fellow bloggers for this award.
  6. Let each nominee know you’ve nominated them and leave a link to your post.

I feel that God wants me to use this opportunity to recognize and encourage other bloggers who also suffer from having a traumatic brain injury. These truly heroic individuals are huge inspirations to me personally. Some paracycle, sing and play the guitar; some are seasoned authors with numerous book publishings. I’m amazed every time I read about their endeavours and gain new insights as to what it means to persevere, and beat the odds. Several will be nominated below alongside my other favorite bloggers who I’m honored and privileged to call my friends.
God richly bless and keep you all!

Loads of love!



A brain injury life

Inspirational Leader

Jumbled brain

Living with a head injury

My Daily Walk With TBI

Unstoppable Maria

Blue and Green Together

Bible Blogger

Commissioned by Him

Eclectic Contrarian

God Help Me I

Inside Cup

I Refuse To Give Up

Jesus Christ Still in Control

Miraculous Smile

Mom Life With Chiari


Real Christian Women

Rejoicing in Hope

Simply My Swank

There is no need to rush. If you choose to participate that is fantastic, but please don’t feel like you have to take part. This is my way of highlighting my favorite blogs and also in hopes that they too will feel as supported and encouraged by this nomination as I have.