New name

Hi friends!! ❤️

My new name is actually not new because I use it on all my social media platforms. Vivjoywriter is now my current blog name and for those who don’t know Joy is actually my middle name (thanks mama)!!

Joy is not the same as happiness…it’s so much more. It’s a deep peace regardless of outward circumstances that God gives to us as we journey through life. Joy can be felt on a mountain top or in a cancer clinic. Joy can be given at the worst of moments because Joy is God’s heart pouring peace upon us at any given time and in His providential way.

Do I have Joy? Joy after being diagnosed with a progressive autoimmune disease? Joy after losing my husband of 24 years to a deadly brain tumor? Joy in the bringing up of four kids by myself?

I can honestly say YES!! But this Joy isn’t from me being happy or keeping my head in the sand and avoiding the hard things. My Joy is a gift from God. He alone gets me up out the bed. He keeps me from total despair, loneliness, heartache, and pain 💔 Because He keeps showing up..He’s always there and that my friends is exactly the Joy I’m talking about. The Joy of the Lord is my strength. The Joy in a full fellowship with Him that makes my heart burst with warmth. Jesus is experienced in our deepest suffering because that is when we fellowship with him in the most intimate way because He suffered too.

So here is my new blog name and I hope as I share my heart and God’s love with you, true Joy will be experienced together as we remember this world is not our home and who is walking with us through every trial we face. God bless you friends and keep you.

Much love,

Viv 🤗

Tennessee kitty 😺

Good Vibes

Due to my brain injury noise has become a huge problem for me. This isn’t easy being in a small house with lots of sounds coming from kids and pets but the worst part of my auditory struggles has been my husband’s new beloved hobby: opera. I feel crazy whenever he plays those screaming meemies and seriously want to break something. Like in the children’s book Harry and the Lady Next Door, in which Harry wants to bite and be bad due to the lady’s cringy decibles. He bites the leg of the piano instead of her but I can commiserate 100% with that poor little black and white pooch.

Here is my life saving remedy: VIBES!!!

Vibes has been a game changer for me! Going to church or public places that were noisy used to be excruciating for my ear sensitivity, resulting in over stimulation and nervous system overload. A few months ago my dear friend Michelle from jumbledbrain sent these ear plugs to me and wow, have they changed my life! My old ear plugs were just cheap yellow things that stuck out of my head like a squash and never fit well or really helped. However, Vibes come in three different sizes and are completely clear, making them barely detectable! I can wear them for hours without even realizing anything is stuck in my ears! Vibes filter out unwanted sounds and work with your brain to help you hear noises you want to hear! It’s awesome how they are designed to make auditory issues so much better. I love them. Now that I’ve tried them out, I will never go back!

As a result of having a TBI, the muscles in my head get very tense if I am around loud noises. These tense muscles result in pain, dizziness, and nervous system overload. Now having the vibes I can listen to music at levels both my husband and I agree on (although I stilI hate opera), occasionally attend church, be in crowds, and the pain doesn’t come! My kids can turn up the volume of their favorite song and I can enjoy listening instead of running away to hide. The Vibes come in a small pouch I can fit in my purse or pocket and I will not leave home without them.

Here’s the link:

Please enter the voucher code jumbledbrain at checkout to receive a discount. Michelle at jumbled brain is an affiliate and today we want to offer this bonus to my readers!

I would not give such a strong recommendation if I didn’t deeply believe these could help you. No one is paying me to write this, I just so much want to help if you have the same issues with noise I’ve suffered from. For months my ear nerves were so shattered my poor kids had to remain as quiet as church mice. It was a frightening experience if I was faced with a sudden boom or holler. The pain was so intense that I actually have a touch of hearing loss in my left ear. Maybe if I had Vibes a couple years ago life would have been easier, but I’ve got them now, and I’m so thankful I do.

Much love,

Viv 💚