For several years, I have felt like I have given myself an emotional brain injury, by constantly trying to answer questions regarding my infirmities to people, begging them to understand, offering blog posts to read, and health articles, and striving to gain acceptance in a very unaccepting world. At times it’s figuratively felt like beating my head against a brick wall of judgement, ignorance and unsupport. Hence, I have felt defeated and almost like giving up because my rare case has left me in a constant state of being on the defense and exhausted.

So, last week after my Good Eyes, Bad Brain post, a dear blogging friend Renee said three of the most powerfully supportive words I had been hoping to hear.

She said, ” We all understand”

Renee used her insights specifically to encourage my heart by saying that my loving blogging family all understand and I don’t need to worry about keeping up if having a tough time of it. I felt sincerely understood and isn’t that what we all hope to gain? There is such comfort and peace when the body of Christ says that they understand. It’s a genuinely priceless gift!!

If you are not following her awesome Blog, “Heart Tokens”, I strongly encourage you to do so immediately! She has a very unique perception on life and people and uses her wisdom while she writes beautiful posts from the heart.

What a wonderful encouragement three little words brought to my heart!! They were actually three very big words and dearest Renee, I am so blessed and thankful for you. God used YOU to encourage me last week and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your beautiful, thoughtful, heart tokens!!

Has someone’s words comforted or encouraged you lately? A fellow blogger? A family member or friend? I’d love to hear about it.

Much love,

Viv 💚

For prayer requests please visit my new page Come Pray With Me.

My First Podcast Interview

God has given me the amazing opportunity to share my story and hope through Fran at keys2concussion TBI podcast!! I prayed so much over this and God gave me the strength to relate in detail the journey of my TBI from beginning to the present. I’m pretty tired now, but as I rest and recover, I pray that whoever chooses to listen ( it’s only 27 minutes ) will be blessed to hear my testimony and story which underscores the awesome power of God.

Much love!!

Viv 💖🤗
